Male Infertility Treatment in Hyderabad
The issue of infertility in men is real and more prevalent than you might imagine. Approximately 30% to 40% of couples who are unable to conceive have a problem with their male partner – either with sperm quality or quantity. Approximately, in 20% of infertile couples, the primary cause is the malefactor. It is advised that infertile couples should have at least one semen analysis test performed prior to starting any infertility treatment.
What Is Male Infertility?
This refers to a man’s inability to conceive a child with a fertile female through unprotected sexual activity. The condition is also known as male impotence. According to medical definitions, it refers to a low sperm count, which is less than 39 million sperm per ejaculation. Sperm quality and quantity determine a man’s fertility.
Evaluation of Male Infertility
Male infertility screening begins with the analysis of their semen. It is the primary and most important screening test. According to the WHO 2010 criteria, the semen analysis will assess the following factors and analyze the sample for normality or abnormality.
- Sperm count – a minimum of 15 million/ml is considered normal. Sperm counts below that level significantly reduce the chances of conception.
- Motility – Minimum total motility should be 40% and minimum progressive motility should be 32%.
- Morphology – Minimum total motility should be 4%
Types of Male Infertility
Infertility in men is generally characterized by the quality and quantity of sperm, and infertility is divided into four types according to these factors:
Azoospermia – no sperm in the semen. It is sub-divided into Obstructive Azoospermia and Non-Obstructive Azoospermia.
Asthenozoospermia – the inability of the sperm to swim (motility is affected). It is sub-divided into progressive motility and non-progressive motility.
Oligospermia or Oligozoospermia – low sperm concentration in the semen.
A man’s fertility highly depends on the quality and quantity of his sperm and it also changes throughout his life based on a variety of factors.
What are Tips for Improving Sperm Health?
- Quit smoking – Smoking can compromise all parameters of sperm quality.
- Reduce extra weight (obesity) – Those pounds of fat in your body can reduce sperm quality.
- Drinking alcohol is not recommended
- The ability of the testes to make sperm might be affected by warm temperatures. Therefore avoid long steam baths, hot water tub bathing, hot showers, and sitting with your laptop on your lap.
- You should avoid wearing tight underwear. Cotton underwear is best.
- Sperm quality increases with regular ejaculation.
- An active and healthy lifestyle can enhance sperm production.
- Consuming foods rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, antioxidants etc., can promote sperm production.
The spectrum of Male Infertility
A man’s sperm is likely to be weakened when exposed to high temperatures, toxins, or certain chemicals.
- Being exposed to X-rays or high radiation levels
- Being exposed to industrial chemicals
- Spending too much time in extremely hot water
- Wearing clothes that are too tight
- Sitting with the laptop on your lap for an extended period of time.
The factors mentioned above might reduce sperm production.
Other factors affecting men’s fertility
- Varicocele – enlargement of veins within the scrotum.
- Ejaculation problems (retrograde ejaculation)
- Ejaculating too soon
- ED – Erectile dysfunction
- Hypospadias – improper urethra opening
- Testicular disorders
- Testicular infections
- Undescended testicles
- STDs – sexually transmitted diseases
- Genetic or Inherited Disorders
- Infertility can also be caused by treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation.
Some other causes like celiac disease, Hypogonadism (hormonal dysfunctions), prior scrotal & prostate surgeries, repair of an inguinal hernia might also result in infertility for a man.
Lifestyle Factors also play a role in male infertility. People who smoke drink alcohol & are drug addicts may have infertility problems. Obese people and who are depressed or stressed due to work also face these infertility problems.
Treatment for Male Infertility
There is no known cause for infertility in most of the cases. However, the continuous evolution of technology led to the discovery of multiple treatments to treat male infertility. One way or the other experts are providing a solution for infertility.
As a last resort, or when medication and other treatment options do not work or if the cause is idiopathic, a fertility specialist may recommend ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) procedures. The following assistive reproductive techniques are recommended by a fertility expert in order to achieve pregnancy artificially in consideration of various infertility factors.
- IVF – In Vitro Fertilization
- IUI – Intrauterine Insemination
- ICSI – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
- A combination of IUI-ICSI
- Surrogacy in situations where there is no alternative
Many of us know, infertility is haunting both men and women from past generations. Our infertility specialist Dr. Mounika Reddy at IRA Fertility has a decade of experience treating a wide range of fertility issues. She is dedicated and has helped hundreds of couples to fulfill their dream of having a baby. She is only a phone call away from making your dream a reality.